Akwapoly Journal of Communication and Scientific Research (APJOCASR)


  • Dr. Otele  Ama Federal Polytechnic Ekowe, Bayelsa State, Nigeria.   Author
  • Obot Mfon Samuel Akwa Ibom State. Author



Sand chemistry, electrical sounding, electrical resistivity, electrode configuration, Yenagoa


Studies have shown that sand has a complex chemistry with unique geological and environmental significance. This paper analyses a survey conducted in the Yenagoa local government area in Bayelsa State, Nigeria, to estimate sand chemistry using vertical electrical sounding. The study aims to determine the volume of sand deposits and their chemistry in an area measuring 100 meters by 50 meters. Nine Vertical Electrical Sounding Points were acquired using Terrameter SAS 1000. The results showed that the survey area had four to six geoelectric layers with VES 1, VES 3 to VES 9 containing HA curves, while VES 2 had HK curves. The resistivity distribution ranged from 1.05 to 22.73 m, with resistivity varying from 113.8 to 1942 Ωm across the survey area. The estimated volume of sand within the survey area was approximately 688,059 tonnes, with the chemical content being suitable for domestic and building purposes. The sand deposits are also ideal for engineering and construction due to their inherent water permeability and storage ability. Further investigation is recommended to study construction sand deposits beyond the surveyed areas.

Author Biographies

  • Dr. Otele  Ama, Federal Polytechnic Ekowe, Bayelsa State, Nigeria.  

    Science Laboratory Technology

  • Obot Mfon Samuel, Akwa Ibom State.

    Ministry of Science & Technology



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How to Cite

ESTIMATION OF SAND CHEMISTRY USING ELECTRICAL SOUNDING: A STUDY OF OPOLO, YENAGOA: Akwapoly Journal of Communication and Scientific Research (APJOCASR). (2024). Akwapoly Journal of Communication & Scientific Research, 7(2), 75-96.