Akwapoly Journal of Communication and Scientific Research (APJOCASR)


  • Gbonhinbor Joan Author
  • Dr. K. Presidor Author
  • Dr. Josephine U. Agbogua Author
  • C. Ologidi Author




Bambara groundnut, cotyledon, genetic map, ICP-MS, QTL analysis


This research aims to improve the growth of a valuable African crop called Bambara groundnut by studying its genetic makeup. The goal is to create a detailed map of its genetic structure and to learn more about how it absorbs crucial nutrients from the soil. Bambara groundnut (BGN) is an African native legume, rich in protein, able to fix nitrogen, highly drought tolerant and with reasonably good disease resistance that bears a rich food, nutritional and cultural history for the poor resource-base farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. By doing this, we hope to find ways to help Bambara groundnuts grow better, even in environments where the soil is not very nutrient-rich. A dense genetic map is constructed in an F2 population derived from two highly divergent parents (S19-3 and Ankpa4) based on SNP and DArT markers. The linkage map consists of 1238 marker loci (859 SNPs and 379 DArTs), with good coverage (1185cM spanning 11 linkage groups; one marker per 1 cM, on average). This genetic map is an invaluable resource for QTL analysis and represents qualitative advances in the genetic improvement of Bambara groundnut. ICP-MS analysis of a subset of the individuals (n=48) shows that Bambara groundnut is rich in phosphorus (P) and other mineral elements and that the S19-3 X Ankpa-4 F2 population developed in this project is segregating for these mineral elements. Therefore, a QTL analysis based on mineral element composition is possible if an ICP-MS analysis can be completed on the entire population (n=270). The results from the cotyledon removal experiment suggest that the cotyledon contributes to the early seedling establishment of Bambara groundnut genotypes in nutrient-poor soils. These findings have implications for the genetic improvement of Bambara groundnut to unlock the genetic potential of this essential African legume.

Author Biographies

  • Gbonhinbor Joan

    Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Federal Polytechnic, Ekowe, Bayelsa State,Nigeria

  • Dr. K. Presidor

    Department of Plant Biotechnology, Niger Delta University, Amassoma, Bayelsa State, Nigeria.

  • Dr. Josephine U. Agbogua

     Department of Plant science and Biotechnology, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

  • C. Ologidi

    Department of Environmental Biology and Genetics,  Niger Delta University, Amassoma, Bayelsa State, Nigeria




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How to Cite

UNLOCKING THE GENETIC POTENTIAL OF BAMBARA GROUNDNUT (VIGNA SUBTERRANEA L.) TO INCREASE LEGUME CROP PRODUCTION IN NIGERIA: Akwapoly Journal of Communication and Scientific Research (APJOCASR). (2024). Akwapoly Journal of Communication & Scientific Research, 7(1), 43-57. https://doi.org/10.60787/apjcasr.vol7no1.17